President Obama officially kicked off his re-election campaign on Saturday at a rally in Ohio.
At a rally at Ohio State University at the capitol in Ohio, Obama told the crowd gathered there that the country has gone too far to turn back now as he spoke of America’s rebound from the recession. He pointed out that the challenger, MItt Romney would only “Rubber stamp” the same old Republican policies if elected to the presidency. He told the crowd, ” We are not going back. We are moving this country forward.”
President Obama addressed another rally later in the day at Richmond, Virginia.
Meanwhile, in a campaign stop outside of Cleveland, Obama’s opponent, Mitt Romney, spoke to supporters there. Those gathered there were a lot more boisterous as they called for Obama to be tried for treason as well as criticized him for taking credit for the killing of Bin Laden.
The crowd criticizing Obama for taking credit only mirrored the statements from Ohio’s State auditor, Dave Yost, who warmed up the crowd for Romney. who said, Obama claiming credit was like, “giving Ronald McDonald credit for the Big Mac you ate for lunch.” Yost continued by saying that Obama has been lecturing the middle class while taking his wife on vacation to New York on what he called lavish spending.
The Obama campaign later said in posts on Twitter, “Once again today, @MittRomney stood by silently as his surrogates and supporters made extreme statements & attacked the President’s family” in a second post Ben LaBolt said, “When will @MittRomney stand up to the extreme voices in his party? Where’s the leadership he keeps calling for?”
When asked about the claims that Romney had avoided paying taxes on monies by hiding those funds in off-shore accounts, the audience member was booed by those around him.