JUNEAU – Governor Bill Walker signed Administrative Order 279 Tuesday, transferring administrative and research functions of the Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. These reorganization efforts will save the state over $1.3 million a year while continuing to provide appropriate and effective performance of the commission’s core functions.
“With a $3.5 billion budget deficit, we are leaving no stone unturned as we look for efficiencies in state government,” said Governor Walker. “By moving administrative functions of the Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission to the Department of Fish and Game, we will save over $1.3 million a year. While that alone will not solve our budget challenges, it is another step towards streamlining government and getting the most out of our public dollars.”
In July 1980, Administrative Order No. 60 transferred CFEC from the Office of the Governor to the Department of Fish and Game. Under that order, the department was not given the authority to regulate policy or activities of the commission, except when purely administrative in nature. Under Governor Walker’s administrative order signed today, AO 60 remains in effect, but is amended to define ADF&G’s responsibility for administrative functions as the following:
– Licensing and permitting services (ministerial services only);
– Information technology services;
– Accounting services;
– Payroll services;
– Procurement services;
– Budget services.
Additional administrative functions subject to the Governor’s administrative order may also be transferred to the department at the discretion of the commissioner.
“I asked members of my administrative to look for budget efficiencies, no matter how large or small,” Governor Walker said. “As we move forward, we are going to be forced to do more with less, and this is a great example of those efforts.”
Source: State of Alaska [xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]