Despite Alaska Militia member, Lonnie Vernon's, protests that the Federal Court System had no jurisdiction over him, and that he was sovereign, sentencing took place in U.S. District Court for Vernon's part in a plot to kill Federal agents.
Judge Robert Bryan handed down a 310-month sentence yesterday. The 310-month sentence or 25.8 year sentence may likely turn out to be a life sentence for the 57-year-old foot soldier of Schaeffer Cox’s Alaska Peacekeeper Militia. Throughout, Vernon protested his innocence, saying “we bothered no one. We tried to make safe place of our home for our kids.” He also stated, “My God given rights better not be taken from me.”
Vernon’s comments in court were sometimes laden with profanity as he interacted with Judge Bryan. He also related to the Judge that he was very unhappy with his attorneys in the case and said that they had done nothing for him.
Directing off-color expletives to the prosecutors as he demande of them to prove their authorization to proceed in court in his case, telling them that they didn’t exist in his world.
Problems began for Vernon as well as the Alaska Peacekeepers after the group and Vernon came up on the governments radar after speeches were made by the militia’s founder Schaeffer Cox in Montana in 2009 where he bragged to his audience that the militia had over 3,500 heavily armed members. An investigation was initiated, and in time, an informant infiltrated the group.
Karen Vernon, Lonnie Vernon’s wife was also sentenced yesterday, she received 12 years in prison for her part in the militia’s plot to kill federal officials.
Schaeffer Cox, the militia founder is due to be sentenced today.