The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently announced that more than $2.0 million in new funding will
be available to the State of Alaska through the State Wildlife Grant program in fiscal year 2015. State
Wildlife Grants provide funds for conservation work across the state, including more than $680,000 for
work to reintroduce the endangered wood bison to Alaska after having been wiped out for more than a
century. The wood bison reintroduction project is an exciting example of a State Wildlife Grant enabling
the ADF&G to restore a key indigenous grazing animal, while providing benefits to Alaska’s people and
economy. Currently in Alaska, there are 61 active projects supported by $11.4 million of State Wildlife Grant funding.
The State Wildlife Grant program awards funds for conservation of species identified in State Wildlife Action Plans. All 50 states and territorial wildlife agencies have action plans, which collectively provide a nationwide blueprint to conserve species for future generations. Proactively conserving and restoring
valued species helps local communities, agencies, and taxpayers avoid potentially greater conservation costs when species become rare. Alaska’s action plan is being used to conserve species, habitats, and ecosystems, including non-game species.
The grants are distributed through an apportionment formula in accordance with the Appropriations Act. These funds are allocated to states and territories based on population and geographic area. Grant funds must be used to address conservation needs, such as research, wildlife surveys, species and habitat
management, and monitoring, identified within a State’s Wildlife Action Plan. These funds may also be used to update, revise or modify a state’s plan.
View Alaska’s Wildlife Action Plan: https://www.teaming.com/wildlife-action-plan/alaska.
For more information on the State Wildlife Grant program, visit