Juneau – Thursday, the Alaska Legislature unanimously approved a bill to extend the board that oversees the production, sale, and consumption of alcohol in Alaska. House Bill 299 extends the sunset date for the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board (ABC) to June 30, 2022.
“I want an alcohol industry in Alaska that is both vibrant and safe,” said HB 299 sponsor Representative Adam Wool (D-Fairbanks). “The ABC Board serves a vital regulatory and oversight role that helps guard the safety of Alaskans and the strength of the industry.”
The Alaska Division of Legislative Audit recently reviewed the activities of the ABC Board and found that the board is effectively serving the public interest. However, the audit concluded that the board should improve procedures for issuing renewals, recreational site licenses, and beverage dispensary licenses that encourage tourism.
“The Alaska Legislature has been assured that the recommendations from the audit will be implemented and the issues will be addressed. I want to thank my colleagues in the House and Senate for recognizing the importance of the Alcohol Beverage Control Board and working swiftly to extend the board for another four years,” said Rep. Wool.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]House Bill 299 unanimously passed the Alaska State Senate today by a vote of 17-0. The bill unanimously passed the Alaska House of Representatives last month by a vote of 39-0. After a concurrence vote, HB 299 will be sent to Alaska Governor Bill Walker for his signature.