On Sunday, in a statement by a RavnAir spokesman revealed that in light of the current Coronavirus epidemic sweeping the state and the nation that the group that includes RavnAir Alaska, PenAir and RavnAir Connect, will be shuttering their doors and grounding all 72 aircraft as they shut down all operations.
RavnAir also stated that the group will “temporarily lay off all remaining staff until the company is in a position to cover the costs of rehiring, resuming flights and operating to the many communities it serves throughout the state.”
RavnAir’s newest information comes on the heels of an April 2nd statement revealing that they were reducing their operations to three aircraft because of a reduction of passenger bookings that dropped by 90 percent.
The Alaska delegation issued a statement over that earlier news saying, “The recent announcement made by RavnAir Group is very concerning news for Alaskans—especially for our remote communities. We have worked hard to support federal programs like bypass mail and Essential Air Service, and we will continue to work to make sure that mail, as well as vital goods and services can continue to be delivered to rural Alaskan communities.”
The airline is looking forward to resuming operations and is awaiting news on their applications for relief from the Federal CARES Act grant as well as other forms of assistance.