Anchorage Felon Arrested on Multiple Drug/Firearms Charges after Found Passed Out in Vehicle

APD received a call at 9:52 am on Tuesday reporting that a driver was passed out behind the wheel of a gray Honda Odyssey at West 25th and Spenard and police responded to the location.

When officers arrived, they located and blocked in the van that was parked but running. When they approached the van they spotted a firearm and drug paraphernalia sitting on the center console in plain view.

Additional backup was requested and soon arrived at the scene.

Police were able to open the van’s door and retrieve the handgun without waking the occupant. Afterwards, officers roused the driver, identified as 40-year-old Geoffrey A. Jackson, who complied to commands and was detained without incident.

When asked if he had any firearms or other items that the police needed to be aware of, Jackson said he did not. But, as a pat search was carried out, officers would find a handgun in a shoulder holster in Jackson’s possession along with a substance that tested positive as heroin.

Officers placed Jackson in the back of a patrol vehicle as they processed the scene and found that one of the handguns had been reported stolen from an unlocked vehicle at a 12700-block Hace Street address on the evening of May 24th, 2021.

Police would observe Jackson “fidgeting and moving around.” “Officers removed Jackson from the car and located baggies of drugs (suspected meth) that Jackson was attempting to either conceal or dispose of,” APD said in their report.

When Jackson was taken to the department for questioning, officers would discover credit cards that did not belong to him according to the report.

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APD reports that “Jackson was remanded at the Anchorage Jail on the charges of Misconduct Involving a Weapon V – Fail to Inform, Tampering with Physical Evidence, Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance II, Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance IV, two counts of Misconduct Involving a Weapon III – Felon in Possession, Driving under the Influence, Misconduct Involving a Weapon – Possess While Intoxicated, Theft II – Firearms, Theft II – Credit Card/Access Device, and Misconduct Involving a Weapon II – Drug Crime.”