Due to budget cuts, the Loussac Library will be reducing hours. Starting January 2, the Loussac will close an hour earlier at 8pm Mondays-Thursdays.
“We looked at all of the ways we could absorb this year’s budget cuts with the least impact to our community,” says Library Director Mary Jo Torgeson. “Unfortunately, after many years on a shrinking budget, there is nothing left to cut but hours.”
Other cuts made for 2018 include reductions to materials spending and technology. These cuts add strain to an already burdened system:
· The Library’s budget for materials is 30% less than it was ten years ago when adjusted for inflation, and is in the bottom quarter of peer libraries in this category.
· To meet the minimum standards of peer libraries for staffing, the Library will need to increase from its current 77 to 94 FTE (full-time equivalent) staff.
The Library was on track to close on Sundays as well, but a last-minute Assembly budget amendment by Assembly Members Constant, Rivera and Petersen restored funding to keep the Loussac open on Sundays through the first half of the year. The Assembly will look into funding to restore hours at Loussac Library when they conduct their First Quarter Budget Revision this spring.
2018 Loussac Library Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 10am-8pm
Friday-Saturday, 10am-6pm
Sunday, 1pm-5pm
Neighborhood Libraries will maintain their 2017 hours.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]