(Anchorage) – Bear hides, moose antlers, caribou racks and more will go up for sale later this month at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Annual Hide and Horn Auction in Anchorage.
“We have more than 60 sets of moose antlers to auction this year,” said Jim Holmes with the Division of Wildlife Conservation in Anchorage. “That’s more than we’ve ever had before.”
That’s good news for artisans and casual collectors seeking antlers for carving or for display. In addition, more than 60 black bear and brown bear hides, several sets of Dall sheep horns, and a few miscellaneous furs including lynx, beaver and river otter will also be auctioned.
More antlers and hides than usual were received this year at the department’s Anchorage office when several outlying Fish and Game offices and Alaska State Trooper posts happened to simultaneously clean out and ship inventories collected over the past two or three years.
“That doesn’t always happen,” said Holmes. “The stars just kind of aligned this year and it’s going to be pretty impressive to see.”
Hides and horns sold at the auction are salvaged from road kills, defense-of-life-or-property incidents, and seizures by Alaska Wildlife Troopers during investigations. Items are sold to ensure they are not wasted and proceeds are applied against costs accrued in processing, preserving, shipping and handling.
A traditional part of the Anchorage Fur Rendezvous celebration, the Horn and Hide Auction is scheduled to begin at noon on Sunday, February 23, at the carnival buttress area at Third Avenue and E Street. Items for bid will be placed out for viewing approximately three hours before the auction begins.
Prospective buyers must register at the auction site the morning of the auction. Methods of payment are cash, MasterCard or Visa. For more information, contact Jim Holmes at (907) 267-2849.
Source: ADF&G