APD Investigating Two Armed Robberies Monday Night

Anchorage police responded to, and opened investigations into two armed robberies in a span of three hours on Monday night, APD revealed on Nixle.

The first robbery was reported at the Mountain View Dr. Dominoes at 6:24 PM on Monday evening. According to the report, a single suspect entered the pizza outlet and “pointed a handgun at the employee behind the counter, and ordered the employee to give him money from the cash register.”

After the employee did so, the robber ordered the employee to lay down on the floor, and the employee complied. Then the robber left the establishment with an undisclosed amount of money from the register.

When police arrived, they set up a perimeter in the area, and a K9 was utilized in an attempt to track the suspect, “but a viable path for the dog to follow was not located,” APD reported.

Police described the suspect as a black male, in his late 20s to early 30s. The suspect stands approximately 5’10” tall, and was wearing dark clothing and a cover over his face.

Just three hours later, at 9:27 PM, APD received another armed robbery call from a Yellow taxi driver on the 7100 block of Jewel Lake. Police responded to the scene and interviewed the victim, who told them that he “had picked up three adult white males at a downtown restaurant.” But, when the cab got to the intersection of Casper and Dunkirk, one of the men in the backseat produced a handgun, and the driver was robbed of an undisclosed amount of money and personal items.[xyz-ihs snippet=”adsense-body-ad”]Following the robbery all three males exited the cab and ran from the scene on foot.

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When police arrived at the scene, they once again set up a perimeter and introduced a K9 into the investigation. But, once again the K9 was unable to locate the suspects.

The three suspects were described as all being in their early 20s. “One was wearing a blue plaid shirt and blue jeans. The other two were wearing fleece hoodies,” APD reported.