APD Nabs Eluding Driver During Stabbing Arrest at Spenard’s MacDonalds

APD apprehended a stabbing suspect then an eluding suspect at this MacDonalds location in Spenard. The Executive Suites Hotel can be seen in the background. Image-Google Maps
APD apprehended a stabbing suspect then an eluding suspect at this MacDonalds location in Spenard. The Executive Suites Hotel can be seen in the background. Image-Google Maps

Anchorage police caught both a stabbing suspect and and an eluding driver during a single response that took them to the McDonalds in Spenard  on Thursday morning.

APD was alerted to a stabbing that took place in the Executive Suites hotel at 4360 Spenard Road at 3:59 am, and officers responded to the scene, Nixle reports. Their ensuing investigation would find that 27-year-old Alex Bender, while with a group of people consuming alcohol in hotel room, stabbed another man in the group. After stabbing the victim multiple times, Bender fled the scene. EMS transported the victim to a local hospital for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries.

A short time later, police would locate Bender at the McDonalds next door. Multiple officers in multiple patrol vehicles converged, with lights flashing, and Bender into custody on multiple charges, including Felony Assault I.

As this arrest was unfolding at the restaurant, another person police had been seeking for three hours early this morning, pulled into the drive-thru to order some fast-food amid all the flashing lights. He was apprehended after he pulled out of the drive-thru.

Police had been seeking 35-year-old Curtis Commack since 2:48 am, when a patrol car attempted to pull Commack over, in his 1997 Chevy Blazer for driving without his headlights on the 6200-block of Boundary Avenue.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]That attempt to stop the vehicle in north Anchorage was only the first, and Commack’s vehicle was spotted a variety of times for the next three hours. Each time he was spotted, and officers attempted to stop him, he continued to elude his pursuers. But, his stop for something to eat all the way across town from first contact, proved to be a mistake when he ended up in the APD stabbing investigation and arrest.

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Commack was transported to jail on Eluding charges.