APD Opens Investigation into Attempted Sexual Assaults on Chester Creek Trail


Anchorage police have announced an investigation and are looking for information from the public on two separate attempted sexual assault incidents that took place on the Chester Creek Trail System Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.

According to APD, they responded to an attempted sexual assault at 7:20 pm on Tuesday and again at 8:20 pm on Wednesday near the Valley of the Moon Park. Authorities believe the two assaults were carried out by the same individual.

“The preliminary investigation found that on both occasions, the adult male suspect was on the Chester Creek trail system near Valley of the Moon Park, spotted a female target, turned around and ran up behind her. On both occasions, the suspect grabbed the women and tried pulling their clothes off. Both times he fled on foot,” APD reported on Nixle.

Anchorage police have released a suspect description and describe him as a white male with an age of 20-30 with brown hair, with possible facial hair and glasses. In the Tuesday night incident, he was wearing a black t-shirt with graphics, a hat, and glasses. It was also said that he was walking a “pug-like dog.” In the Wednesday incident, the suspect was wearing a blue t-shirt, shorts, and running shoes. In the Wednesday incident, no dog was seen.

APD has resources in the search, including officers on the trail on bikes.

APD asks that “If anyone has any information about this investigation, including surveillance video, please call Dispatch at 311. If you prefer to give information anonymously, you may contact Crime Stoppers at 561-STOP or online at AnchorageCrimeStoppers.com.”

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APD advises to stay alert and be aware of your surroundings and if you see something, to say something.