The serial shooter that plagued the Phoenix area for four months in 2016 has been apprehended, according to allegations by Phoenix police. But, questions remain.
Aaron Saucedo was arrested for a fatal shooting in April, but. has since been re-booked in connection with another 26 charges in connection with shootings from March until July of 2016.
Saucedo was arrested in April in connection with the shooting death of 61-year-old Raul Romero, who was the boyfriend of Saucedo’s mother and held on $750,000 bail. Since that time, Saucedo has been implicated in the death of 22-year-old Jesse Olivas, who was killed in a drive-by shooting on January 1, 2016.
Phoenix police have zeroed in on Saucedo as the killer, and one witness reported that the killer was driving a black BMW, a vehicle fitting that description, belonging to Sausedo, has been seized by Phoenix police. Phoenix police say that they have ” a wide host of evidence,” that includes ballistics, witnesses and forensic evidence connecting Saucedo to the deaths of at least nine.
But, other evidence counters evidence by police. The weapon, that has been identified as the weapon that killed Romero, as well as other victims, was pawned to a pawn shop in Phoenix, it was pawned just over two weeks after Romero’s murder on September 1, 2015, and was bought by a new owner on June 28th, 2016, making that weapon unavailable for use as the killing weapon, determined by police, for all of the other killings attributed to Saucedo.
Witnesses who survived alleged Saucedo’s attacks, when shown Saucedo in line-ups, were unable to confirm him as their attacker.
All of the killings took place in Hispanic neighborhoods.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]