ITHACA, NEW YORK-“The non-surprising failure of the Super Committee to reach an agreement has more to do with Congressional incentives than differences in beliefs about protecting constituents or ideology. It’s like trying to get the slow-moving tortoise to finish the race without a carrot to entice him, or a stick to scare him.
CHICAGO-Most people aren’t huge fans of bees, but without them we would go hungry pretty fast. The common honeybee pollinates 130 different crops within the U.S. alone including fruit, vegetables, and tree nuts to name a few. In the November 2011 issue of Food Technology magazine, published by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), Contributing […]
SAINT LOUIS-The Occupy protests present a classic First Amendment problem: balancing political dissent against government control of property. “In theory, the government has very limited authority to curb expressive activity in what the law calls ‘public forums,’†says Gregory P. Magarian, JD, constitutional law expert and professor at Washington University in St. Louis School of […]
CAMBODIA-A former Cambodian head of State during the rule of the notorious Khmer Rouge in the late 1970s told a United Nations-backed war crimes tribunal Wednesday that the genocide trial he is facing is based on guesses, generalizations and bias.