WASHINGTON, DC – Alaska’s fisheries benefitted from funding decisions and a number of cost-effective adjustments in the language of an appropriations bill that passed the Commerce, Justice and Science (CJS) Appropriations Subcommittee today in a bipartisan vote, according to Senator Murkowski, a Subcommittee Member.
When the AAAS Arctic Division convenes for the first time later this month in Dillingham, Alaska, researchers and others will explore how local issues reflect challenges being confronted across the northern latitudes and beyond.
NEW YORK-The use of amphetamine-type stimulants such as ecstasy and meth is surging around the world, a new United Nations report finds, warning that the growing trade in these illegal drugs and the high profits they bring to criminals are posing an increasing threat to health and security.
KLAWOCK, ALASKA— The SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARHC) recently hired optometrist Richard B. McMaster, OD, to start a new eye clinic on Prince of Wales Island.