Comment accepted through August 18

GLENNALLEN, Alaska – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has released the draft environmental assessment (EA) for the Castner Glacier Recreation Area Management Plan (RAMP), kicking off a 30-day public comment period that ends August 18, 2024. This comment period provides the public an opportunity to review and comment on the draft EA. The EA includes a RAMP, project maps, travel management decisions, and other management actions and alternatives analyzed in the EA.
The Castner Glacier area is a popular recreation destination that provides year-round outdoor recreation and glacier viewing opportunities in a natural setting. The area is 48 miles from the nearest town (Delta Junction) and 104 miles from the Glennallen Field Office. The BLM developed this RAMP to manage the Castner Glacier area to better serve its estimated 12,000 annual visitors and growing demand for recreation opportunities by protecting recreational resources and retaining desired conditions and experiences at the glacier.
The draft EA and RAMP seek to:
- Establish recreation management zones and recreation setting characteristics;
- Establish limits on group size;
- Provide special recreation permit (SRP, i.e., commercial tours) and land use permit management guidelines;
- Identify SRP and land use permit allocation systems;
- Set specific activity restrictions (e.g., the use of drones, fireworks, fires, ice carving, ice climbing, or artificial lights for non-navigational purposes) within the Castner Glacier ice cave; and
- Clarify motorized vehicle use and designations for the area.
During the comment period, the BLM welcomes substantive comments through the BLM National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Register project webpage or via postal mail. Substantive comments identify a concern or issue with the document, describe why it is a problem, and offer factual and unbiased information for consideration.
To comment via the project webpage, please review the documents found under the “Documents” tab on the left side of this webpage and click the green “participate now” link. To submit comments by mail, they must be postmarked by August 18, 2024 and sent to:
Bureau of Land Management
Attn: Castner Glacier RAMP and EA
P.O. Box 147
Glennallen, AK 99588
P.O. Box 147
Glennallen, AK 99588
For additional information, contact Outdoor Recreation Planner Cory Larson at 907-822-3217 or