The Buckland School personnel in the Arctic Borough School District”locked the school down” for the safety of the school and the staff on Wednesday morning following a call deemed “Terroristic Threatening” at 9:15 am.
34-year-old Buckland resident Fred Armstrong called in to the school on Wednesday morning and “made allegations that his four-year-old daughter was being bullied” at the school, the trooper dispatch reports.
After being reassured that the school would look into his concerns, Armstrong replied that he was “ready to come to the school with a gun and shoot the kids who bullied his daughter,” troopers state.
After putting the school in lockdown mode yesterday, the school staff contacted authorities.
Alaska State Troopers responded to the community to address the situation. Their investigation into Armstrong’s criminal history found that he was currently on supervised adult probation. Troopers contacted the Department of Corrections Probation Officer in Nome. It was recommended that troopers place Armstrong under arrest and transport him to the Kotzebue Regional Jail Facility.
Armstrong was arrested and brought in for Terroristic Threatening II as well as Petition to Revoke Probation on the original charge of Alcohol Importation.
Court records show that Armstrong is being arraigned in Kotzebue Superior Court Thursday morning on the petition to revoke probation. The court records also show this morning that Armstrong will be arraigned on Terroristic Threatening II charges Thursday afternoon at 1:15 pm.