Bungling Kidnappers Arrested by Troopers

image28-04-2014 14.44.40Two men involved in a kidnapping plot on Wednesday were arrested and in custody by Saturday, according to troopers.

57-year-old Bill Kraus of Fairbanks and 40-year-old Isaac Horman forced their way into a North Pole residence on Wednesday and confiscated everyone’s cell phones trooper dispatch reports.

After taking everyone’s cell phones, the two men took two hostages and left the residence. Once outside, one of the hostages was released, but Kraus and Horman kept the other, a female.

The men fled the residence while contacting an acquaintance of the female and “demanded money for her safe return,” the troopers report.

But, their criminal enterprise was short-lived. As the two men were driving down the road with their captive, their vehicle went into the ditch. When this happened, their female hostage made good her escape.

Troopers tracked down and arrested Kraus on Friday and caught up to and arrested Horman on the next day.

Both men were remanded to the Fairbanks Correctional Center, and Kraus was charged with Kidnapping, Robbery I, Burglary I and Assault III. Charges have not been filed, or are pending against Horman.