SAVOONGA, Alaska — During their current Arctic patrol, crew members from Coast Guard Cutter Stratton (WMSL 752) met with key leaders in Savoogna, Sept. 22. The meeting took place in the Savoonga town hall with Benjamin Pungowiyi, the village council president, Elvin Noongwook, Mayor of Savoonga, and Bryan Rookok Jr., President of Savoonga’s Native Corporation. Discussion […]
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — The Coast Guard rescued two people in stormy weather Saturday after their boat ran onto rocks in Pavlof Harbor, southwest of Juneau. An MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew from Air Station Sitka located and hoisted the man and woman, who were stranded on a beach in low-visibility conditions. Both survivors, who were […]
JUNEAU, Alaska – The Coast Guard Cutter Kimball crew on a routine patrol in the Bering Sea encountered a People’s Republic of China Guided Missile Cruiser, Renhai CG 101, sailing approximately 75 nautical miles north of Kiska Island, Alaska, September 19, 2022. The Kimball crew later identified two more Chinese naval vessels and four Russian […]
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Coast Guard, state and local agencies are responding to impacted communities following a historic storm that battered Alaska’s western coast over the weekend. An Air Station Kodiak C-130 Hercules aircrew conducted an aerial assessment of the impacted region on Sunday. Members from Coast Guard Sector Anchorage are deploying to affected communities to […]