(Anchorage) — Pet owners are reminded that wintertime in Alaska means fur trapping seasons are open and pets running off-leash and not closely supervised risk having their toes pinched – or worse. When pets do encounter traps or snares, owners must be prepared to act quickly. That’s why the Alaska Department of Fish and Game […]
The Alaska Board of Game (BOG) will meet March 14 – 18, 2014, in Anchorage, Alaska, at the Dena’ina Civic and Convention Center located at 600 West 7th Avenue. During this five-day public meeting, the BOG will consider nearly 50 hunting and trapping related proposals. The majority of proposals concern changes to statewide provisions and […]
Juneau – The subpopulation of humpback whales that migrates seasonally between Alaska and Hawaii has recovered, is no longer threatened with extinction, and should be removed from the list of species covered by the Endangered Species Act , the State of Alaska declared Wednesday in a petition submitted to the National Marine Fisheries Service .
(Anchorage) – Pet owners living adjacent to or recreating on public lands are reminded that midwinter in Alaska means fur trapping seasons are open and in full swing. Pets running off-leash and not closely supervised risk having their toes pinched – or worse.