The Alaska Board of Game (BOG) will meet March 14 – 18, 2014, in Anchorage, Alaska, at the Dena’ina Civic and Convention Center located at 600 West 7th Avenue. During this five-day public meeting, the BOG will consider nearly 50 hunting and trapping related proposals. The majority of proposals concern changes to statewide provisions and a few concern changes to hunting regulations for specific regions.
Proposals have been submitted by the Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), local fish and game advisory committees, and the general public seeking adjustments to statewide provisions for hunting and trapping regulations. The public is encouraged to review the proposal topics available on the BOG website at:
The BOG meeting convenes Friday, March 14, at 8:30 a.m., beginning with reports by state and federal agencies. Upon conclusion of the reports, the BOG will take oral testimony. Anyone wishing to testify before the BOG must sign up at the meeting location before Saturday, March 15, at 10:30 a.m. Public testimony will continue until everyone who has signed up has been given the opportunity to be heard. Deliberations on the proposals will follow public testimony and continue through the remainder of the meeting.
All portions of the meeting are open to the public. Live-stream audio is intended to be available on the BOG website Other meeting materials, including the agenda and roadmap order of proposals, a list of staff reports, and public and agency comments on proposals can be viewed online at:
Written comments will be accepted on specific proposals for the meeting up until the time the proposal is deliberated. During the meeting, written comments, limited to ten pages single sided (or five pages double sided) in length, may be submitted by hand delivery at any time if 20 copies are provided. Individuals not attending the meeting can submit comments by fax to (907) 465-6094.
Source: ADF&G