The first continuous multiyear acoustic monitoring effort across Cook Inlet provides the most comprehensive description of beluga whale seasonal distribution and feeding behavior to date. This knowledge is critical for understanding and managing potential threats impeding recovery of this endangered population. “Cook Inlet belugas were listed as endangered in 2008. Despite protective measures, the population continued to decline,” […]
A new look at historical data through the lens of gender illuminates the dynamic role women play in Alaska’s commercial fisheries. Women play an integral, multifaceted—and until now, largely invisible—role in Alaska fisheries. The first comprehensive study of women’s participation, incorporating gender into 30 years of existing data, shows women participate in Alaska fisheries differently than […]
Scientists and fishermen are working together to gain new insight into seasonal movements of valuable Pacific cod. Cutting edge technology and fishermen’s expertise are helping scientists track Aleutian Islands Pacific cod for the first time. Last winter scientists and fishermen partnered to launch a pilot study to develop methods for tagging cod on working commercial fishing […]
Scientists simulated the Blob marine heatwave in the laboratory to assess the effects of past and future climate change on one of Alaska’s valuable commercial fish. Preliminary findings from a new laboratory study suggest that when ocean temperatures rise, lower fat prey leads to slower growth for juvenile Pacific cod. Scientists are evaluating how changes […]