The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has recently taken several actions in Wild Fish Conservancy v. Quan (the Southeast Alaska salmon fishery case). The Wild Fish Conservancy v. Quan (the Southeast Alaska salmon fishery case) involves a challenge to a 2019 biological opinion that analyzes two actions related to salmon fishing in Southeast Alaska and a third […]
Absent Council action, agency must prepare amendment to meet court deadline. NOAA Fisheries will hold a public hearing to receive input on an amendment to the Fishery Management Plan for Salmon Fisheries in the Exclusive Economic Zone off Alaska. This amendment would establish federal management for the salmon fisheries in the federal waters of upper […]
NOAA Fisheries is holding two public hearings in Alaska on the agency’s proposal to list the sunflower sea star as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. The proposed listing was published in the Federal Register with a public comment deadline of May 15, 2023. The sunflower sea star is one of the largest sea stars in the world, and […]
Science behind snow crab and Bristol Bay red king crab stock declines in Alaska in 2022. NOAA Fisheries—in close coordination with federal and state partners—is responsible for fostering healthy, productive, and sustainable marine fisheries. Our management process is based on science and conducted according to a process outlined in the Magnuson-Stevens Act. All of our […]