Fisheries management throughout Alaska relies on a mix of state, federal, and international laws and regulations. These rules provide the guidance for programs such as the Alaska Subsistence Halibut Program. The program permits rural residents and members of Alaska Native tribes to catch halibut for direct personal or family consumption as food, sharing for personal […]
Posting selfies is the biggest rage on social media. People want to show the world, or at least their followers, what great things are being done with their life. But, what many people don’t realize is how often law enforcement officers, agents, and investigators use social media as a tool to collect information that may […]
On April 17 a two-and-a-half-year investigation and judicial process came to a close when Robert Thompson, 53, of Rockwood, Maine, was sentenced to eight months imprisonment for evading federal income tax and for illegal sales of lobsters. The Court also ordered Thompson to pay the Internal Revenue Service restitution of $65,172. “When it comes to […]