The Ukrainian envoy said that this action “sends a very strong signal” to Moscow that the Russian military’s ongoing invasion and assault is “not acceptable.” To protest Moscow’s war on Ukraine, roughly 100 diplomats from countries around the globe walked out of a speech by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the United Nations Human Rights Council on Tuesday. Ukraine’s ambassador […]
Experts attribute the increased radiation levels to the Russian military’s current assault on Ukraine. The Ukrainian government warned Friday that radiation near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant has “exceeded” control levels, a day after the Russian military took control of the area during its ongoing invasion, which has reached the capital of Kyiv. The State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of […]
“It’s much easier to frame people who steal baby formula and medicine as monsters to be jailed than acknowledge our politics and economic priorities create conditions where people steal baby formula to survive,” said the New York Democrat. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Thursday criticized New York City police officers for boasting about arresting a dozen people […]
The West Virginia Democrat “repeatedly timed his key attacks on Biden’s agenda to occur at events with his largest corporate donors,” according to the video. Although right-wing Sen. Joe Manchin’s financial conflicts of interest have been well-documented, a new video released Monday details how the West Virginia Democrat’s “brazen” corruption has derailed his party’s immensely popular economic policies. Not […]