NEW HAMPSHIRE-Even as rumors have it that Herman Cain, a Republican Candidate for the Presidency of the United States, is soon to quit his bid for the top spot, he is headed home to Atlanta today to open his National campaign headquarters there tomorrow. More importantly, however, he is going back to Atlanta to have […]
DUTCH HARBOR, Alaska-Slow but steady, the Russian oil tanker Renda continues on its course to the port of Dutch Harbor. The vessel should be in the vicinity within about two days, where it will be then inspected and if all goes well, will be deemed fit to navigate in U.S. waters.
IOWA-A new ad is showing in Iowa this week as the Republican Caucus inches closer and closer to the poll date. This newest, released by Mitt Romney, promises to shrink government and do away with the Obama administration's healthcare law.
WASILLA, Alaska-For the third time this year, a Wasilla man has been picked up on drunk driving charges. Alaska State troopers identify the man as Jack A. Collins, who just turned 21 on December 14th.