WASHINGTON D.C.-Working to hold all members of Congress to the same ethical standards he has voluntarily adopted, U.S. Sen. Mark Begich yesterday helped pass an amendment out of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee requiring the financial disclosures of lawmakers to be hosted in a searchable format on official government websites.
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Governor Sean Parnell announced yesterday that his Fiscal Year 2013 budget includes $60 million for construction of the new Alaska Class Ferry. A total of $120 million is available to begin construction of the new ferry in the next fiscal year.
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Governor Sean Parnell announced yesterday that his Fiscal Year 2013 budget includes $10 million for safety improvements along the Knik-Goose Bay Road Corridor, and $20 million to support a portion of the 50 percent match for transportation bonds approved by Mat-Su voters in October 2011.
BOSTON, Mass-In a paper published online in the journal Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, a team of researchers from Boston University and Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, Ohio) demonstrated how changing the way something looks – in this case, the cards in the game Bingo – can enhance performance in groups with subtle problems in vision. […]