Scientists and others from remote communities across western Alaska and northern Canada concerned about the migration of beavers into the Arctic will gather at the University of Alaska Fairbanks later this month. Attendees will share observations, knowledge and new research on the impacts of the animals’ recent range expansion. The Feb. 26-28 meeting of the Arctic […]
This year, like the years and decades before it, again showed the strength and significance of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute as a leader in research, especially in Arctic research. Geophysical Institute scientists — research faculty, graduate students and undergrads — study permafrost, ice, snow, sea ice, the depths of the Arctic Ocean, […]
Ocean temperatures in the Bering Strait and heat transport through the region have increased over the past 20 years. New modeling using a range of temperatures shows that reduced regional September sea ice occurs one to three months after a heat increase. That’s the preliminary finding of research by University of Alaska Fairbanks doctoral student […]
Earthquakes have a well-known and easily recognizable connection to volcanoes. The sudden onset of ground shaking can indicate near-term or imminent volcanic activity. Volcanic tremors, however, are difficult to detect. These are semi-continuous seismic or acoustic signals, or both, that continue for just a few seconds or persist for a year or more. They, like earthquakes, carry […]