Alaska State Trooper K-9 “Chevron” assisted in two drug arrests on Monday on the North Kenai Peninsula. “Chevron’s” is first assist came following a Bureau Highway Patrol South-Central Team traffic stop on a Subaru sedan near mile 111 of the sterling Highway near Kasilof. With “Chevron’s” assistance, troopers discovered that a passenger in the vehicle, 29-year-old Wasilla resident Candace McCloud, […]
An Alaska State Trooper investigation is continuing in a vehicle/ATV accident that occurred at mile one of Willow Station Road on Monday afternoon at approximately 3:51 PM. It was then that a 1993 Jeep Carryall was traveling west on Willow Station Road encountered an ATV entering the roadway. The driver of the Jeep slammed on his brakes in an […]
The Funny River Fire on the Kenai Peninsula continued to grow on Sunday, now covering over 240 square miles on the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. In response to the fire’s rapid growth near populated areas, the order went out during the late afternoon to begin evacuating areas threatened by the massive blaze. The campground at Lower Skilak […]
In a memorandum to Gary Folger, the Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety, dated May 22, 2014, Alaska’s Governor Sean Parnell directed to Department of Public Safety to pay the health insurance premiums for the survivors of DPS employees killed in the line of duty. The health insurance premiums will be paid for the […]