Rose Hip-Alutiiq Word of the Week
Rose Hip — Qelempaq April-rem qelempaq caayuq pingaktaaraa. – April likes the rose hip tea. The Nootka rose (Rosa nutkana)…
Rose Hip — Qelempaq April-rem qelempaq caayuq pingaktaaraa. – April likes the rose hip tea. The Nootka rose (Rosa nutkana)…
Cockle, Clam — Qahmaquq, Mamaayaq Qahmaquryugtua. – I want some cockles. Kodiak’s shores are encrusted with a wealth of intertidal…
Dead — Tuqumaluni Iqallut tuqumaut. – The fish are dead. Death in traditional Alutiiq society was followed by a set…
Dangerous — Uluranaq TRaapat allrani uluranartaartut. – Ladders are sometimes dangerous. Danger is a recurring theme in the modern place…
African-American Person — Alap’aaq, ARap’aaq Alap’aaq Nuniamen taillria. – An African-American person came to Old Harbor. African American people began…
KODIAK, Alaska—The Alutiiq Museum has added 11 watercolor portraits of 19th-century Alutiiq/Sugpiaq people to its collections. Created by Sugpiaq artist…
Net — Kugyaq, Kugyasiq Kugyasiq aturtaaqa. – I use the net. Alutiiq people captured salmon with a variety of traditional…
TRuup’kaaq, Pa’ipaaq – Pipe Ata tRuup’kaaq. – Let’s see the pipe. Although tobacco was popular in the historic era, smoking…
KODIAK, Alaska—The history of the Kodiak Alutiiq/Sugpiaq people is the subject of a new book released Wednesday by the Alutiiq…
Elder — Cuqlliq Cuqllit amlen’irtut maani awa’i. – There are not many Elders around anymore. The world’s cultures respond to…