Backpack/Hunting Bag-Alutiiq Word of the Week-November 19th
Backpack, Hunting Bag — Atmak, Ekgwik, Ekguiyutaq Atmangq’rtuq. – He has a backpack. Packing well for a hunting or fishing…
Backpack, Hunting Bag — Atmak, Ekgwik, Ekguiyutaq Atmangq’rtuq. – He has a backpack. Packing well for a hunting or fishing…
Cigarette — Puyuruaq Puyuruanilu englumni!—Don’t smoke in my house! Tobacco was introduced to the Alutiiq by Russian entrepreneurs. Traders imported…
KODIAK, Alaska—The Alutiiq Museum Store will open to the public on Friday, November 10 in the Kodiak Marketplace. This…
Birch — Qasrulek, Uqgwik Ikani uqgwit tak’ut. – The birch trees over there are tall. The Kenai birch (Betula kenaica)…
Mask — Maas’kaaq, Giinaruaq, Giinaquq Maas’kaaq aturu. – Use the mask. Masking is an ancient Alutiiq tradition. For centuries, Native…
Whistler Duck / Scoter — Kukumyaa’aq Kukmyaa’at meqniitut.—Whistler ducks are hard to pluck. The whistler duck or black duck is…
Dream — Qawangurtuaq, Qawanguq Qawangurtuataartut. – They always dream. For Alutiiq people, dreaming is a magical state, one that draws…
Thunder — Kalliq Kallikan alingnartaartut. – When it is thundering it is scary. Thunder is the loud, booming noise created…
KODIAK, Alaska—The Alutiiq Museum has added a contemporary atkuk—parka to its collections. Made by Alutiiq Elder and artist Susan Malutin, the…
High Bush Cranberry, Sourberry, Kalina Berry— Amarsaq (N), Amaryaq (S) Amaryat quuhnartaartut. (S) – High bush cranberries are (always) sour.…