Commercial harvests of Alaska’s wild salmon have expanded statewide, with total deliveries nearing 5 million fish, including nearly 3 million sockeyes. Preliminary harvest figures compiled by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game show that in the westward region, processors in the Alaska Peninsula have received 950,000 humpies, 883,000 sockeyes, 134,000 chums and fewer than […]
Seafood aficionados in Seattle and Anchorage are getting ready to roll out the red carpet May 17 to welcome the arrival of first of the season Copper River salmon. The celebrated fishery opens at 7 a.m. on May 16 and plans are to fly the first harvest of kings and sockeyes out to Seattle and […]
A record early start date for Alaska’s Togiak herring fishery has caught harvesters and processors by surprise. Alaska Department of Fish and Game area biologist Tim Sands, in Dillingham, says they are still working to get to the grounds and are expected to be up to full speed by the weekend. The weather, as of […]
A new forecast for the 2016 sockeye salmon fishing season in Bristol Bay says the fishery, which opens by regulation on June 1, is expected to have a run of some 46.6 million fish, with 29.5 million potentially available for commercial harvest. The figures were released on April 4 by the Alaska Department of Fish […]