Commercial harvests of wild Alaska salmon have reached more than 4.3 million fish, with the preliminary estimate of a catch of 2.6 million sockeyes, 1,347,000 chum, 348,000 pink, 63,000 Chinook and 12,000 silver salmon. The preliminary Alaska commercial salmon harvest blue sheet is updated daily by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. From a […]
Federal fisheries managers listened to hours of impassioned testimony at Sitka, then cut the bycatch of halibut in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands groundfish trawl fisheries by 25 percent, a decision that left nobody happy. Commercial fishermen in coastal fishing communities dependent on directed halibut fisheries, charter boat operators, sport anglers and conservation groups […]
Sixteen vessels caught an estimated total of 20,374 tons of fish in Togiak’s 2015 purse seine sac roe herring fishery, a catch valued at just more than $1 million, at $50 a ton, Alaska Department of Fish and Game officials said June 2. The final harvest of 19,874 tons of herring coupled with an estimated […]
Purse seine herring harvesters in Togiak in Southwest Alaska netted more than 18,017 tons of fish through May 10, in a fishery including six gillnetters and 16 purse seiners, said biologists with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Since only two companies were purchasing gillnet fish, the gillnet harvest is confidential, biologists said. The […]