Federal fishery managers have taken a small step forward on the issue of whether to amend groundfish and crab fishery management plans to protect significant concentrations of deep-sea corals in Pribilof Canyon in the Bering Sea. The North Pacific Fishery Management Council this past week adopted a purpose and need statement which is needed to […]
Environmental Protection Agency officials have extended until April 29 an early consultation period with state and mining interests to allow both to provide information relevant to the 404(C) process under the Clean Water Act.
When it comes to providing good nutrition for very young pollock in the Bering Sea, there’s nothing like cold winter-spring temperatures to boost production of zooplankton with the larger lipid reserves they need for survival.
The time has arrived when the age of a fish is an important factor in its management and catch status. The accuracy of determining the age of a given species has made a quantum leap in the last decade due to the application of nuclear technology with roots in dating tree rings and rocks to […]