Today U.S. Senators from the Western states protected the needs of Native Americans, Native Hawaiians and Alaska Native peoples in a letter calling on President Obama to strengthen tribal self-governance, support economic self-sufficiency, and honor the government’s agreements with Indian Tribes by fully funding contract support costs and joint venture staffing in his Fiscal Year […]
WASHINGTON D.C.-A Massachusetts man was arrested by the FBI yesterday for allegedly plotting to blow up the U.S. Capitol and the Pentagon with remote control model airplanes. The arrest stems from information given to authorities by an informant.
A simple rule meant to cut paperwork for U.S. companies has grown into one of the biggest multinational tax breaks around, costing the United States and other governments billions of dollars in lost taxes each year.
U.S. District Judge Patrick J. Schiltz of Minnesota is an educated man. He earned his law degree from Harvard, won a coveted clerkship for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and taught the law for more than a decade before joining the bench in 2006.