In July of 1776, sweltering in the summer heat of Philadelphia, fifty-six men from thirteen different colonies boldly signed their names to a document giving birth to the noblest experiment in mankind’s history. Two hundred forty-eight years later, we celebrate the continuation of that experiment, enjoying the liberties and prosperity that followed that signing. While […]
Fairbanks, Alaska —Fairbanks Native Association and Tanana Chiefs Conference denounce the public racist behavior of an older man berating two Alaska Natives in a recent unprovoked tirade outside of the Fairbanks West Fred Meyer. Both Melissa Charlie, FNA executive director, and Brian Ridley, TCC chief and chair, denounce such behavior and are requesting appropriate […]
In the wake of Louisiana’s new law, it is essential to consider the ways in which Trump’s perverse exploitation of religion is a clear and present danger to U.S. democracy that fails in moral terms. Louisiana’s new law requiring that the Ten Commandments be posted in each public school classroom is a reminder that it’s high […]
The 1971 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) has never addressed Native claims. ANCSA is an industrial-rooted tool of Congress, created to exterminate Indigenous land use and streamline the liquidation of “natural resources” in our ancient ancestral homelands. The word “Native” in the law is a misnomer. In December, Lisa Murkowski’s “Unrecognized Southeast Alaska Native […]