Green Party Presidential Candidate Arrested in Texas
Green Party Presidential candidate, Jill Stein has been arrested once again, this time in Texas.
Green Party Presidential candidate, Jill Stein has been arrested once again, this time in Texas.
WASHINGTON — Huge swaths of the U.S. East Coast are being pelted by one of the biggest storms ever to approach the mainland, just more than a week before Americans vote for president and pick a new Congress. Hurricane Sandy has forced the cancellation of campaign events and could leave millions of Americans without power […]
U.S. President Barack Obama is taking a break from the campaign trail Friday, while his Republican challenger Mitt Romney makes what his aides say is a major economic address.
With their debates now history, U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney return to the campaign trail to round up any remaining wavering voters in the final two weeks before the November 6 election.