STANFORD, Calif. – As Americans tune in to the debate preceding the next election, some will hear hypothetical questions about candidates. You might get a phone call, for example, asking how likely you would be to vote for so-and-so if she'd hired an illegal immigrant, or if such-and-such a candidate opposed gay marriage.
NEW YORK-It's just a few weeks until the Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire primary and the Republican nomination fight is, once again, going through some changes. But, one thing that has remained constant through the past few months is that Mitt Romney has been at or near the top. One reason, however, the former Governor […]
WASHINGTON D.C.-In an interview with Focus Washington's Chuck Conconi, Bob Cusack, managing editor of Congressional newspaper, "The Hill," discusses the current bid for the Republican presidential nomination.
Newt Gingrich's political director in Iowa, Craig Bergman, resigned yesterday over comments that he made to a focus group calling Mormonism, Presidential candidate Mitt Romney's religion, a cult. He pointed out that the fact that Romney is a mormon would hurt him in the election against President Obama. The comment was made on