A 34-year-old Lower Kalskag woman succumbed to serious injuries after a four-wheeler accident in Upper Kalskag on Saturday afternoon, the trooper dispatch reported Monday. A trooper investigation into the four-wheeler accident would reveal that 34-year-old Merna Spein was driving a 2008 Honda four-wheeler when she lost control of the vehicle. As a result, the four-wheeler […]
JUNEAU, Alaska — Coast Guard Cutter Alex Haley crewmembers installed grave markers in Atka, Alaska, Tuesday. The 20 hand-made crosses replaced those that were mounted in 2006 by the crew of the now-decommissioned Coast Guard Cutter Storis. The Alex Haley crew coordinated the task with Atka’s community leaders, then delivered the crosses via an embarked […]
Power was knocked out to Emmonak AVEC customers on Tuesday after a fire broke out at the power plant there shortly after 10 am. Local responders were able to address the fire and extinguish the flames but not until the fire heavily damaged one of the generators that are housed in the building. By 1 am, […]
An elderly Dillingham couple were located successfully after a short search south of Portage Creek on the Nushagak River this weekend. Troopers report they were notified that Dillingham residents Wassillie, 85, and Lena Kapotak, 84, were overdue from a skiff trip to Portage Creek and New Stuyahok from Dillingham on Sunday. The caller, their daughter, […]