Tuesday, the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) published the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 17(d)(1) Environmental Impact Statement’s Record of Decision concluding a lengthy process and finalizing the Secretary of the Interior’s decision to retain protections on all the subject 28 million acres across Alaska. These D-1 lands include BLM-managed lands in five BLM […]
FAIRBANKS – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Eastern Interior Field Office will open the Fortymile caribou federal subsistence hunt on federal public lands in Units 20E, 25C and a portion of 20F on August 1, 2024. The caribou hunt is limited to federally qualified rural residents hunting on federal public lands only, including federal public lands accessible from the Steese and Taylor highways. The federal […]
JOINT BASE ELMENDORF RICHARDSON, Alaska — Governor Mike Dunleavy has declared a state disaster emergency for the 2024 Stebbins School Fire. The Disaster Declaration funds emergency response efforts and activates the state’s Public Assistance Disaster Recovery Program. On June 26, 2024, The Stebbins School and up to nine other school district structures, including teacher housing, […]
Program provides funds to communities that are supporting the nation’s public lands, waters; invests in firefighters, police, schools, road construction WASHINGTON — The Department of the Interior Wednesday announced that 30 local governments in Alaska will receive a total of $37.5 million in Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) funding for 2024. Because local governments […]