Coast Guard, State Continues Unified Command Response for F/V Akutan near Unalaska

Coast Guard, State Continues Unified Command Response for F/V Akutan near Unalaska

The United State Coast Guard, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, the city of Unalaska and Resolve Marine Services continue in their response to the 166-foot fishing vessel Akutan near Dutch Harbor coordinating removal of anhydrous ammonia and several other petroleum products from the boat in danger of sinking. Earlier in the month, the Akutan […]

Tuluksak Teacher Arrested on Child Porn Charges

Tuluksak Teacher Arrested on Child Porn Charges

A 7th grade teacher at the Yupiit School District was arrested following a nine-count indictment handed down by a grand jury. Prosecutors asked the public to help them locate 37-year-old John Paul Donald Douglas following the issuing of a $50,000 plus court-approved third party custodian warrant as a result of that indictment. The Alaska Bureau […]