Following a November 1912 election to choose legislators, eight senators and 16 representatives were selected. March 3rd 1913 was chosen, and on that day promptly at 12 noon, the First Territorial Legislature convened. In attendance were eight Senators and 15 Representatives. J.J. Mullaly the 16th delegate, had left Alaska prior to the election, and won, […]
Is was on March 2nd, 1915 that John Treadwell, the man who gained fame and fortune with a mining complex in Alaska, had his debts set aside in Bankrupsy Court. He was in approximately $300 million in Debt. Treadwell’s fortune had its start in 1881 when awaiting a ship back to San Fransisco after looking […]
On March 1st, 1879, the HMS Osprey arrived in Sitka in response to the settlers having fears of an uprising of Tlingits living on the further end of the community. There was no U.S. military in the territory after the Army, for economic reasons, closed up the fort and left the territory two years earlier. […]