Convicted Rapist Kevin Tuckfield Convicted of Robbery, Attempted Kidnapping and Assault

Kevin Tuckfield. image-State of Alaska
Kevin Tuckfield. image-State of Alaska

Kevin Tuckfield, doing 99 years in a previous case involving rape, was found guilty of Robbery I, Attempted Kidnapping, and two counts of Assault IV in connection with a March 2015 escape from a mental health unit at the Anchorage Correctional Center by a trial jury on Friday. At the beginning of his trial TuckField pleaded guilty to the additional charge of Escape.

Tuckfield fled the ACC unit on foot at approximately 8:20 am on March 15th of that year and soon made contact with a woman vacuuming out her vehicle at a car wash on Lake Otis Parkway at 11:40 am. He told the victim he had a gun and told her he would kill her then attempted to force her into her vehicle. But, his would-be kidnapping victim fought back and began screaming as loud as she could and after a scuffle, was able to break free and escape her assailant.

A 39-year-old man who was alerted by the woman’s screams came to her aid and called 911. A 16-year-old who also heard the woman’s screams, saw the vehicle leave the location and followed it while giving police location information. Tuckfield was located and taken into custody a few minutes later a few blocks away.

Tuckfield would soon be apprehended a few blocks away.

The suspect was interred at the correctional complex serving a 99 year sentence for sexual assault at the time of his escape.

He had been doing his time at the Spring Creek Correctional Center in 2014 on the Sexual Assault charges when he would sexually assault a female a female employee at that facility. Because that would be Tuckfield’s third sexual assault conviction, he was sentenced to 99 years.

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Since that time, Tuckfield has been charged with Murder I and II for the shooting death of Morgan Meadows in Mountain View in September of 2008. He has a trial-setting conference in that case in September of this year.

Tuckfield is due to be sentenced in this current case on October 4th of this year.