(Juneau, AK) – Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy Saturday issued a statement in response to the Biden administration’s intent to redefine “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS). The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) announcement came this week and moves to exert greater control over Alaska’s waters. A broadened definition will require more projects to get federal permits. This will increase project expenses, timelines, and uncertainty without a corresponding environmental benefit.
“Alaska’s management of our lands and waters is a model for the nation. Nearly half the nation’s water is within Alaska, with over three million lakes, 365,000 miles of rivers, and countless unnavigable glaciers, permafrost, and wetlands. For the Biden administration and the EPA to redefine waters is nothing more than a naked power grab for federal rule from Washington, D.C. Make no mistake, the ability of Alaskans to harvest timber, develop oil and gas, mine the critical minerals needed for national security, and the ability to farm and hunt are in danger with this announcement. It would be less insulting to the State of Alaska if the Biden EPA came out transparently with its intent to turn our land into a national park under the management of rangers.”