JUNEAU – Legislation by Fairbanks Rep. Ashley Carrick defining electric-assisted bicycles (E-Bikes) in Alaska statute and specifying that E-Bikes be regulated as bicycles passed the House Monday with bipartisan support on a vote of 39-1.
E-Bikes are becoming increasingly common as a means of transportation and recreation, yet their legal status remains uncertain. House Bill 8 removes that uncertainty in statute and provides municipalities and state agencies with the ability to further regulate electric-assisted bicycle usage on paths, sidewalks, and other areas in whatever way is appropriate for that community or agency.
“I am very happy that House Bill 8 passed the House today and I look forward to working with my colleagues in the Senate to get this bill across the finish line,” said Representative Ashley Carrick (D-West Fairbanks). “This bill clears up a gray area by adopting standards that have been adopted in 39 other states. I am eager to get this bill passed to provide clarity that is requested by retailers, customers, and municipal entities alike.”
HB 8 is scheduled for hearings later this week in the Senate.