Florida Sheriffs: Good News, Your Meth’s Quality is Good, Bad News Your Meth’s Quality is Good

Douglas Peter Kelly, of Hawthorne was concerned that the meth he bought was bad and so had it tested by the Putnam County Sheriff's office. His bail was set at $5,000. Image-Putnam County Sheriff's Office
Douglas Peter Kelly, of Hawthorne was concerned that the meth he bought was bad and so had it tested by the Putnam County Sheriff’s office. His bail was set at $5,000. Image-Putnam County Sheriff’s Office

A Florida man was arrested at the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office on Tuesday after being invited down following a call the man made about the quality of his drugs on Tuesday it was reported.

The man, 49-year-old Douglas Peter Kelly of Hawthorne, called in to the Sheriff’s Office in Putnam County early Tuesday and complained to them that he had bought methamphetamine from a dealer a  week earlier, but when he smoked it he had a bad reaction. He asked if the office could test the quality of the drug, and added that if it wasn’t ok, he wanted to press charges on the dealer who sold it to him.

In a statement, the Sheriff’s office said, “In an effort to ensure the quality of the drug the suspect purchased, detectives told Kelly if he came to the sheriff’s office they could test the narcotic he purchased,” Kelly drove to the Sheriff’s office to make sure his meth was good. After handing over a “clear, crystal-like substance wrapped in tin foil,” it was tested by the deputies and it tested positive for methamphetamine.

Following the test, Kelly was placed under arrest and remanded at the Putnam County Jail with his bail set at $5,000.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adversal-468×60″]

“Remember, our detectives are always ready to assist anyone who believes they were misled in their illegal drug purchase,” the office said.

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