Found Portland Dentures in Polling Booth Covered World-Wide

Portland dentures. Image -WMTW screengrab
Portland dentures. Image -WMTW screengrab

After over a week, the dentures left in a voting booth in Portland, Maine, remain unclaimed, despite extensive coverage meant to alert the owner that they had been found.

The dentures, now in a plastic bag, sit at the city clerk”s office, ready to be claimed by their owner. While at least one inquiry was made by someone who had apparently lost their false teeth during that period, it was later found that the teeth residing at the Portland City office, were not those of the person looking for theirs.

While the story seems  small in a community that only saw 27,000 voters cast their vote on last Tuesday’s election, the  coverage of the choppers in the media has spanned the nation, appearing in print, online and on news broadcasts, reaching even the U.S.News and World Report, NPR, and UPI, all from original coverage by WMTW Channel 8 and the Portland Press Herald in Portland. The humor of the original short announcement had newscasters visibly and vocally amused.

The news of the teeth has even reached publications well beyond our borders and continent, a short article be read, and the teeth viewed, in publications such as the Times of Malta.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]The expansive coverage by numerous the news organizations, has as yet to net any results, and apparently has not yet been seen by the owner of the ivories.

To the owner, if you lost your dentures on voting day in Portland, Maine, check with the city clerk’s office at the Portland City Hall, the choppers may be yours.

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