A giant, inflatable, chicken with orange hair appeared in Washington D.C. on Wednesday. It took its place in the eclipse area, which is a public area behind the White House.
While the chicken, which has an uncanny resemblance to Trump, can bee seen outside of the White House, it appeared without explanation or message attached.
President Trump has no doubt seen images of the over-sized poultry in the media, but, he is not able to peer out off the White House window at the chicken staring back, as he is on a 17-day vacation at his golf resort in Bedminster, New Jersey.
The placement of the chicken was done by Taran Singh Brar, a film-maker. The inflatable denizen is on the property legally, as Brar was issued a permit after a long process by the National Park Service. Brar says that he paid $1,300 for the gigantic bird.
“We are out here to criticize our president for being weak and ineffective as a leader and being too afraid to release his tax returns, too afraid to stand up to Putin and now engaged in a game of chicken with Kim Jong Un,” Brar said. “Yet he wants a military parade in DC. It’s all incongruous, and we are here to make fun of him for that.”
The massive, air-filled Capon, with its remarkable resemblance to Trump in both coif and gestures, is no stranger to the protest front, as smaller versions have popped up around the country as the mascot in tax rallies, as protesters demand the release of the president’s tax returns.
The inflatable statue was first created for mall owners in China. 2017 is the Year of the Rooster in that country.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]