(ANCHORAGE, AK) – Wednesday, Governor Mike Dunleavy held a press conference with members of his cabinet and state agency executives to describe the magnitude of the benefit President Trump’s executive actions provide Alaskans by unleashing Alaska’s energy and natural resource potential.
Click here to view a recording of the press conference.
“In my discussions with President Trump and his incoming staff, the whole idea here is to provide opportunity, hope, and a clear runway,” Governor Dunleavy said. “Thank you, President Trump, for what you did and what you promised to do and what you’ll continue to do.”
“Under President Trump’s capable leadership, Alaska is looking forwarded to being treated as an equal partner – rather than a vassal – as we work together to promote America’s national, economic, and energy security,” Alaska DNR Commissioner John Boyle said.
“AIDEA has always held the position that Alaska is a cornerstone of America’s energy independence and domestic mineral production. While there is a lot to review in the president’s executive orders, we are encouraged by the critical issues touched on, including road access for Alaskan, a definitive position on our leases in ANWR, and a vision of Alaska’s place in America’s domestic energy and mineral supply chain,” Randy Ruaro, AIDEA Executive Director said.
Frank Richards, President of the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation (AGDC), said, “Alaska LNG is the only energy project singled out and prioritized by the Trump administration because of Alaska LNG’s critical national importance and economic and national security benefits. This ‘all-of-government’ advocacy aligns the full force and weight of the Federal Government in support of Alaska LNG in international trade discussions, diplomacy with allies turning away from Russian energy, any future regulatory considerations, and in support of Alaska and Pacific military needs.”
“Hunting and fishing are essential to our way of life. The recent executive orders from President Trump ensure Alaskans have a voice in managing our natural resources by requiring meaningful consultation with the Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G) before land management plans affect hunting and fishing on public lands,” said ADF&G Commissioner Doug Vincent-Lang. “These orders also align hunting and fishing opportunities on federal and state lands, recognizing that Alaskans are best equipped to sustain traditional practices. This marks a significant step in supporting our communities, protecting our cultural heritage, and managing Alaska’s resources. ADF&G is committed to implementing this guidance and ensuring access to hunting and fishing for all Alaskans as envisioned under our Statehood and the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act.”
“What this executive order means is that Alaska’s Statehood Defense efforts are more important than ever as Alaska now has a golden opportunity to switch from defense to offense and turn the tide of the battle and bring prosperity and opportunity for all Alaskans,” said Alaska Attorney General Treg Taylor.