“Alaska is an oil and gas giant, but we are all in for every form of energy – wind, solar, hydro, tidal, geothermal, micronuclear, and hydrogen,” said Governor Dunleavy. “I have full confidence in these members of the Energy Security Task Force to identify tactics to reduce the cost of energy for Alaskans during this exciting time of energy innovation in Alaska.
“I am honored to sit as the Governor’s Energy Security Task Force chair,” said Lt. Governor Dahlstrom. “Together, we will work on a plan to reduce Alaska’s vulnerability to fluctuating energy markets by securing dependable and affordable energy for Alaskan residents.”
The Alaska Energy Security Task Force will consist of 15 voting members and three ex officio members appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the Governor.
The voting members are as follows:
- Lieutenant Governor Dahlstrom (Chair of the Task Force)
- Commissioner Jason Brune (Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation)
- Commissioner John Boyle (Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources)
- Curtis Thayer (Vice Chair of the Task Force) (The Executive Director of the Alaska Energy Authority)
- Gwen Holdman (Vice Chair of the Task Force) (Member from the University of Alaska with a background in energy)
- Clay Koplin, Cordova Electric Cooperative (Member from a utility that represents rural Alaska or a community receiving power cost equalization)
- Nils Andreassen, Alaska Municipal League (Member who represents a city, borough, or municipality)
- Tony Izzo, Matanuska Electric Association (Member with a Railbelt utility background)
- John Simms, Enstar (Member from the oil and gas industry)
- Karl Hanneman, International Tower Hill Mines (Member from the mining industry)
- Robert Venables, Southeast Conference (Member with a background in economic development)
- Andrew Guy, Calista Corporation (Member from the business community)
- Jenn Miller, Renewable Independent Power Producers (Member from any segment of the Alaskan energy industry)
- Duff Mitchell, Juneau Hydropower (Member of the general public)
- Isaac Vandenburg, Launch Alaska (Member of the general public)
“We are committed to making sure Alaskans have access to energy that is affordable, reliable, and redundant,” said AEA Executive Director Curtis W. Thayer. “The members of this task force cover a wide array of knowledge and perspectives. Together, we will provide an effective platform for ensuring that a statewide energy plan is comprehensive with a focus on long-term solutions.
“Addressing the challenge of providing affordable, reliable energy to our communities is vital to Alaska’s long-term economic and social well-being,” said Gwen Holdmann, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation & Industry Partnerships; University of Alaska Fairbanks. “I am honored to work with this diverse group of Alaskans to develop a sustainable path toward energy independence for the state. Alaskans are innovators, and I believe that in working together, we can come up with creative strategies to meet our energy needs for today, and for the future.”
The ex officio members are as follows (plus the two seats from the legislature):
- Commissioner Keith Kurber (Member of the Regulatory Commission of Alaska)
- Garrett Boyle (Representative from the Denali Commission)
- Erin Whitney (From the U.S. Department of Energy, Arctic Energy Office)
- Senator Click Bishop (District R)
- Representative George Rauscher (District 29)
The Task Force shall deliver an initial report to the Governor by May 19, 2023, and the Task Force will sunset on October 31, 2023.